DUI Drunk Driving

A DUI can happen to anyone. If you have been arrested on DUI charges, you want to do everything you can to protect your rights. I protect the rights of individuals throughout the central Texas area charged with drunk driving. Whether you are a first time offender or you have a prior conviction, I will protect your rights in court and handle all related matters with the DMV.

There are a number of things to consider if you have been arrested for a DUI/DWI in Texas. Taking a comprehensive look at your case, I will sit down with you face to face and help you explore your options. I will answer any questions you may have about the following:

  • First offense DUI
  • When you have priors
  • Should I take the test?
  • Field sobriety tests
  • Blood or breath tests

As a member of the Texas DUI Lawyers Association am prepared to handle every aspect of your drunk driving case. I will be there for you throughout the process to answer any questions you may have about your DUI.

DMV Matters

Protecting your rights in court is not the only issue you have to worry about in a DUI charge. The DMV will suspend your license, regardless of the results of your court case. As part of your comprehensive defense, I will defend you at your DMV license suspension hearing. If you have already lost your license, I can help you through the license reinstatement process