Should I Take the Test

If you have been pulled over by the police, and they ask you to take a breathalyzer test, you have to make a quick decision. Even if you have only had one drink, the results can be devastating. Whatever you chose to do, you want an experienced lawyer protecting your rights. From my offices in Walnut Creek, I can help you deal with the consequences of your breath test and central Texas DUI/DWI.

You do not have to take the hand-held breath test administered by police. When it comes to Texas DUI law, there is no requirement to take this test. That means you cannot be punished for refusing to take a hand held breath test. In most cases, I would encourage people not to take the roadside breath test. It can only do more harm than good.

However, if the police take you back to the station to have you submit to a proper breathalyzer test, I strongly encourage you to take it. If you refuse to take the test at the station, your license will be suspended. It is much easier to build a defense for someone who fails a breathalyzer test than someone who refuses to take it.

If you have been charged with a DUI in Texas after a failed breath test, I can help you build the best possible DUI defense. There are ways to minimize the impact of a breath test or have the evidence dismissed completely.